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Friday, February 5, 2010

Treasure Blogger - Sac Treasure Hunt

by: Elizabeth Sedway, Famplosion.com

In Sacramento, a fun group of marketers have found a new and super-interactive way to blog and engage families in a treasure hunt. January was the launch of the first Sac Treasure Hunt. March will mark the beginning of the second treasure hunt. Here's how the treasure hunt works:

  1. Beginning on March 15, 2010 Sac Treasure Hunt will release daily treasure hunt clues, via their Twitter page.

  2. As the treasure hunt progresses, updates will be posted on the groups blog.

  3. There are two ways you can win and receive prizes: being one of the first 100 people to find the secret location of the treasure chest and or by retweeting the clues on a daily basis.

  4. The Grand Prize Winner (the one who's key opens the treasure chest!) will receive the prizes. (See video below to see the January prizes.)

  5. Retweeting the daily clues: Every night at 9 PM, Monday thru Friday of the STH week, someone will be randomly selected who has retweeted the daily morning clue that same day. Only 1 retweet is necessary to be eligible for the daily prize (note: numerous retweets will not help your chances of winning and may offend your followers!) Daily prizes for retweeting will be announced each day.

Happy Hunting

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great fun for families. You must be 18 years old to win, so bring your parents.

-Elizabeth Sedway