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Wednesday, January 28, 2009

A time for serving

A few weeks ago, my family went to a friend's house to help pack food bags for the homeless. We assembled maybe a couple hundred bags with food, socks, toothpaste and brush...basic stuff for folks who could really use these things. Once packed, my 4 year old son and I went with our friends downtown to hand out the bags. A couple hundred bags went in less than 20 minutes walking around downtown San Francisco. We even came across a family in need with a kid about the same age as mine. My son gripped my hand tightly as we walked around a tougher part of town. He didn't say much then, but a couple weeks later, completely unsolicited by me, he asked when we were going to go hand out some more food. It made an impression, and I have a feeling that impression will be a lasting one.

Today, we had a great phone call with the Salvation Army in Nashville. The idea is to list in Famplosion the many opportunities to serve the community which the Salvation Army provides. They serve in powerful ways some folks who really need a helping hand. I'm excited to find more opportunities to serve in the other cities we cover, and get them listed in Famplosion under the Service category. If you know of opportunities such as these in your town, please list them here and let me know about them! It's been said, you make a living with what you get and a life with what you give away.

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