Some of the stuff we've done is behind the scenes. Those of you who have been using the keyword search for sometime may have noticed the dramatic increase in search speed that kicked in a month or so ago. We swapped out the old search application for a new and super groovy search framework, and well, let's just say if I'm not a geek, our new search framework made me want to be one real bad. It's much faster!
More recently, we brought back an Event view which can be selected by clicking on the Stuff to do button on the home page. This changes the list of stuff you get and limits it to just the events that meet your search criteria.

The Places to go mode, by comparison, lumps all the events we know of according to venue and lists the venues as the primary orientation. Having both modes is much more useful, so I'm glad we got that back up.
Now we're working on our Newsletter platform. First step will be to enable newsletters for the Spotlighted content on the Home Page, but the ultimate goal is to provide customizable newsletters. You'll be able to select venues, categories and preferences that determine the information included in the email newsletter you receive. It's going to be awesome. Stay tuned...
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