Channels are a way to save venues to your personal Profile and then access them in a personalized list through a link on the main template of the site.

Once you're logged in, you can save Venues to your personal channel by clicking on the Add to my channel link located at the bottom of the description on every Venue detail page.

You can Share your Channel, subscribe to it via RSS, link to it and let others leave Comments or Rate it...or not...
Next step for us is to add the ability to save specific events to your personalized Channel, and then also to enable email newsletters for your own Channel so you can get your listings in your InBox as God intended.
We'll also be working with local Park & Rec and Public Libraries, among others, to create Channels for these organizations so there will be quick links to all the stuff our local civic organizations are hosting around town. I'm particularly excited about that actually!
Again, as always, check it out, let me know your thoughts. This feature is really brand new, so your feedback is crucial to determining how it grows and becomes more useful.
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