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Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Team grows by 1!

This week marks the arrival of Don, our very first full time Engineer! Don comes to us after several years working for the Helen & Charles Schwab Foundation doing web application development and engineering management. With nearly ten years of technical roles under his belt, he's a guru concerning the range of technologies and methods we are using to build the Famplosion platform. But most importantly, his time spent with the Schwab Foundation was really focused on serving parents. These were the parents of children with learning disabilities, and the Schwab Foundation has been tremendous over the years in providing tools and resources for these folks as they navigate a complex circumstance for the whole family. Our ambition at Famplosion is similar in that we want to provide parents with tools for facilitating life together as a family and in the community. While our focus involves being a platform for parents of all kinds of kids, we greatly respect the work the Schwab Foundation has done through the years bringing unique resources tailored to the needs of parents of kids with learning disabilities.

And we're happy to benefit from the skills honed and experience gained by Don while at the Foundation!

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