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Tuesday, February 19, 2008

So much to do, so little time!

This weekend we were in San Diego for a wedding. The family had a chance to visit the Birch Aquarium in La Jolla. Spending time at the aquarium with the kids reminded me again of all the great places there are to spend time together as a family.

Here at Famplosion, we're still working hard at this point on the back end software and the front end design as we prepare for our testing phase with friends and family in our lead off markets. There are so many places we'd like to cover beyond our lead off cities. Our hope will be to work with friends and partners to submit stuff in their towns so we can grow the site's geographic reach as quickly as possible. Really, there are so many places with families we'd like to have our site serve!

Here's a pic from the aquarium. If it inspires you to find the closest aquarium and take the kids there for a morning or afternoon, we've done our job for today!

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