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Friday, May 30, 2008

FIRST Rocks!

I came across this video interview with Dean Kamen, inventor of the Segway. He's still inventing and I'm a huge fan! On the non-profit side of life, he seems to be equally prolific and this interview is about an organization he founded called FIRST. Essentially, FIRST runs science competitions for school kids and has thousands of local schools participating in the events alongside thousands of businesses supporting the effort. What FIRST is doing is really inspiring so check out the video if you get a chance.

For those of you interested in a Famplosion update...We're still plugging away in our ambition to build a service for parents to share and find fun and important stuff to with their kids locally. If you are part of the private beta, you may have noticed a slant in the events toward art and educationally oriented activities. While we expect to add a ton to our content over time, we are focused in wanting to make sure families interested in educational, ecological and even service opportunities know that they will be able to find something here that's age appropriate to do with their kids. But pulling this off is a bit more complicated than we maybe thought at first :) As they say, one step at a time... And along the way, it's great to be inspired by guys like Kamen in how they are impacting the lives of kids in positive ways every day!

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