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Sunday, August 17, 2008

Public Beta!

We are live!  

That's to say we are now publicly available as a beta version internet site for parents.  That's not to say we're done...in fact, it seems the more we build the longer grows our list of stuff to add.  But we are now publicly available and that's a huge start!

What have we been working on for the last few months?  Well, we've built a back end system architected for aggregating and organizing specific content intended for families with kids of all ages.  We've designed and developed a search application that relies on multiple variables to algorithmically determine search returns we hope are as intuitive and obvious to our friends as they are technically complicated to deliver correctly.  We've designed the algorithm to be tunable according to markets and demographics we hope to serve more and more over time.  We built a first version of a front end for the website to get a sense for how our community will interact with the information and how we will interact with one another.  We've built an editor's suite of tools to equip our editors with the tools necessary to maintain excellent content.  

Most importantly, we've gathered up a ton of cool things to do and places to go with the kids.

And that's really the bottom line.  

Our goals for Famplosion are founded in our belief that a large quantity of time is as important as quality time for raising healthy kids and having a strong family.  And strong families make for a strong society.  But with all the pressures today, it's tough to spend quantities of time together.  With Famplosion, we hope to inspire parents with cool stuff to do and places to go that gets the family off the couch and out of the house and into the community doing fun and important things together.

Many of you have interacted with me about stuff in your area...keep it coming!  The more the better!  And as always, if you're interested in getting involved, let me know as we are always looking for friends in new markets to help us find out about the stuff to do and places to go for families across the country.

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